Friday, June 27, 2014

Have a Happy & Safe "Long" Weekend Surrey!

Although Canada Day isn't til Tuesday many of you are planning to take Monday off work and make it an extra long, long weekend.
 Have fun, stay safe and as my son's elementary school principal was fond of saying, 
"Make smart  decisions" 
Even if you're all grown up, that's still good advice. 

If you're travelling, take your time... 
If you're out on the water , please wear a life jacket
 and if you're having a drink or two, don't drive or go with anyone who has been.
It always breaks my heart when I hear about young people drowning or being in accidents on this first  true weekend of the summer.

So,  boys and girls, that's your public service announcement for today!

and ....
Have A Wonderful Canada Day.
 This is the best country in the world.
Celebrate being Canadian. 
Surrey always does Canada Day in style. 
Lots to see and do at the Cloverdale Fairgrounds.

Multi-Cultural Murals at the Newton Community Centre.

Can you see the Maple Leaf?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Reflections on the Community Festival in Newton....

The weather was "Goldilocks" perfect.
Not too hot, not too cold. Just right! 

It's at festivals like this where we really see the rich diversity of our neighbourhood.
We aren't just South Asian & Caucasian, we are African, Filipino, Latino and more.
Loved the colourful lanterns everywhere at the venue, really added to the festive atmosphere!

Bench  at entrance to the Newton Seniors Centre 

Newton Wave Pool and Community Centre has some beautiful public art.
Take a minute to go on a little tour next time you visit. New murals up too!

With Kamla from Vancity Newton.
Our go-to person in the neighbourhood!

 We played financial Jenga with
 Vancity's  Newton  branch folks!
Whew! That was touch & go for a moment!
Doug Elford from the Newton Community Association,
 Surrey city councillor Judy Villeneuve &  ReNewton Nation's Jude Hannah  

Thanks to so many business owners and  to the community for signing the petition at the Newton Community Association booth to  reinstate time limited free parking to 137th St.
Revitalization begins here. Pay parking has to go !

These kids were having lots of fun and the crowd loved them.

 Come visit downtown Newton. There's a lot to discover here. 

The best deli in town Greco's, celebrating 30 years in the neighbourhood.
The best art and craft store bar none DeSerres. 
And if you have a pet, well Pet Food 'n More  welcomes your four legged family members with a big smile and great prices.
 That's a good place to start.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

4 Things to Checkout Today at the Newton Community Festival.

4 Things  to  Do and See Today in Downtown Newton

  1. The Grove!  See what a group of volunteer neighbourhood advocates in Newton are doing to encourage a positive  and fun community vibe in  midtown Surrey ( that's downtown Newton folks! )
  2. Food Trucks!  Grab a snack at the food trucks that will be set up near the Wave Pool & Recreation Centre. We want them to  stay so make sure to support them with your wallet!
  3. Newton Business Improvement Association will have a tent set up. Stop by and say hi  to this newly formed organization in downtown Newton.
  4. Newton Community Association - also a newly formed group in the area. They'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for making the neighbourhood a better place for families. 
Today's a day for family fun so come check it out!
Enjoy the Festival 11- 4 today!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Walk through Sullivan Heights-Time to put People First.

Had a little walk through my neighbourhood the other day and stopped to admire these majestic trees on 140th St. near the former city hall in  Sullivan Heights/South Newton.
 Aren't they gorgeous? 
 I hope they will be spared when this site is developed. 
 Sullivan Heights is changing in many ways.  There are some great new condos at Latitude on 60th Ave.  and many new townhouse complexes under construction in the area. BUT...we worry about so many development proposals  for mega homes  some up to 4500 sq. ft. on super-small lots.

Wondering how application for 14 homes turned 
into the 16  shown below...... #SurreyMath
 How many suites do you think will be in these homes ? This was designated as a townhouse site, but the developer was allowed to change to this. With townhouses at least there's a strata council in place to monitor rentals etc.
We need to take a breath and rethink the  suite strategy in Surrey. I am          100 % in favour of multi- generational families living together. In fact I would like to see more of us adopt this way of living. For children it  provides a link to their past and culture. Whatever that culture might be. The situation we have in Surrey is that too many home owners are renting out more than one suite in their homes, and this is putting a strain on services, schools, and is not a sustainable way to  develop our city. We  cannot continue to put development dollars before  the needs of  the people who call this place home. It's not working. 

Let's make the kind of decisions we can be proud of  10, 20, 50 years from now.   You don't have to be a card carrying tree hugger  or be anti-development or anti-business to think this way.  God knows we're sure not. We are business people  first and foremost in this household. My husband runs his business in the city & is a member of the Surrey Board of Trade. I promote Surrey businesses every chance I get.  

But we have to face facts. The city is being developed too much too fast and that's having some fairly dire consequences. Over crowded schools, parking nightmares in many neighbourhoods, and a drug & crime problem that is placing a stress on our police force  to put it mildly.

We need to take our collective foot off the gas... 
We don't need to slam on the brakes. 
Repeat, we do NOT have to slam on the brakes! Just take it off full pedal to the metal mode, get out of the car, have a look around, and then carefully, thoughtfully get back in the driver's seat and go at a reasonable speed.
  Isn't that just common sense?

5500 block 140th St

140th St. development site

Creative developers need to find a way to incorporate these trees into their plans.  And the city's planners have to think more about the liveability of the region.
Most people prefer to purchase a home, and will pay more for a home with mature trees already in place. 

 Fun Fact: Sullivan Heights used to be home to wild pheasants who made the most unusual sounds. Really miss them!

Development sign on 140th St.

We want a mayor & council who put the interests of people above those of developers. Surrey didn't get this way by accident. Decisions were made that got us into this mess. Now's the time for some big, bold moves by city councillors and the planning department. Same old status quo? Or a new  smarter and liveable vision for our city. Who's going to step up for Surrey citizens and put people ahead of profit?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Newton Community Festival plus Surrey Doors Open!

Saturday, June 21 from 11-4
Newton Community Festival
Surrey Doors Open 

Lots to see and do for the whole family and it's free!  
At the Newton Wave Pool and Recreation Centre. 

Pop by The Grove where all sorts of fun things will be happening.

Relax under the giant cedars in The Grove.
Ahh... that's better.

Go for a dip in the Wave Pool 

Have a peek at the mosaic art at the community centre & wave pool.
Check out the fabulous public art all around the  wave pool and rec centre!
Pop into the Newton Cultural Centre and check out the art!

Come and see what 's happening in Downtown Newton 
this Saturday June 21!

Newton is Midtown Surrey
The Heart and Soul of Your City

Thursday, June 5, 2014

This will make you happy!

 Quick post to share this very happy video featuring  some  wonderful people and a few of our downtown Newton businesses along 137th St  "Festival Street" and surrounding area. 
Watch it. 
Get Happy. 
This time get up and dance. You'll feel better!


Monday, June 2, 2014

Surrey Public Market Saga.....

As most of you are aware, the former public market building at King George Blvd. and 64th Avenue has been vacant for over 16 years. In the past 3 years there have been 4 owners. The original owner Walter Chan owner of Smitty's Restaurants sold it to developers Manuel and Daisy Da Silva in 2012  who then sold it to Vancouver developer Mark Chandler's company Newmark in the fall of 2013. Now  the property has been passed  on to Raj Nijjar with Opera Homes. My source  has informed me that Chandler et al defaulted on payment and  the property is now in the hands of Raj Nijjar's company.
 I had a friendly chat with  Mr. Nijjar the other day and it appears that we can't look forward to  any development on this corner in the foreseeable future. 
And now with the entire area fenced off, no one can take a stroll along the creek banks or stop and enjoy the shade of the small grove of trees .

 Now then....... Let's take a step back to October of 2011.

 ReNewton started with one goal in mind at that time. That was to encourage and lobby the City of Surrey to purchase this strategic corner property and turn it into something for the community. 
There is huge potential here.   
Imagine a park, an amphitheatre, room for a farmers market,  expanded arts, culture and recreation facilities. 

In its current state the building is an eyesore.   For 16 years we've gazed upon this sad sight and so have the 70,000 drivers who pass through the intersection of 64th Ave & King George Highway every day.   Reputation-wise, this place is not doing Surrey any favours.  Look inside and you can still see vestiges of its former glory. This, the second incarnation of the public market fell victim to  the unusual business practices of the original owner.  Back in the 80s, there was a  wonderful public market in an old roller rink on the same corner. We loved it.  That first market was always busy, and no wonder!  Two fresh fish vendors, a bakery, a few veggie vendors, a meat shop and the best Japanese take out in town run by the cutest older couple. Then the  owner decided to build the "new' structure and raised the rents sky high. The vendors simply couldn't pay the exorbitant  rates and in the late 90s the place shut its doors.

This is what the place looks like today. And that's such a crying shame.
The creek is beautiful.
The trees are spectacular.
And  none of it can be used by the residents of this neighbourhood.
 Sure would be nice for the city of Surrey, or some philanthropic community minded person or group to make an offer on this place and  develop something for the people who live in the heart and soul of Surrey.
 Just sayin'.

Upate December 23, 2014.
We're heading into year 17. The very least that can be done is to enforce the city of Surrey's unsightly property bylaw and tear down these walls. The people who live, work, pay taxes and raise their families here deserve to have this place removed.  To let it stand one more day is simply wrong.

16 years,
70,000 drivers per day drive by this.
 And we wonder why Surrey can't shake its backward image?